Tuesday, August 16, 2011

If I had $1,000,000...

Ah- The Bare Naked Ladies this song can always put me in an excellent mood.  It gives me hope that one day I actually MAY have $1,000,000.  When I imagine what I would do with "all that money"  I always think of the monetary ways I would be able to help people out.  It sure is fun to think about.

But, since I do not have $1,000,000 I usually settle for calling people at 8am on a Saturday morning to confirm they need "this great deal" that is sitting in front of me.  Thankfully, right now most of my friends have little children and are up anyway.  In a couple of years, when the kids learn how to make a bowl of cereal themselves, my call may not be so welcomed.

During this past consignment sale, I spotted the perfect gift for my baby sister.  She has a thriving photography business and is currently featured on Groupon(ends midnight 8.16.11)

I know right?!  How cute is this?!

It is a knitted newborn tuxedo wrap.  It is deliciously soft and any baby put in there is going to be one satisfied customer.

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